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Hi! I'm Mary-Ellen

My name is Mary-Ellen Charpentier and I'm here to spread some truth. I have three beautiful children that have taught me some of the greatest tricks. Some of my favorites include: how to be in 5 places at once, how to remove colored marker from walls, how to pretend like everything is fine, how to get ready in 3 minutes and how to appreciate trap music in your 30s. In addition to being a mother I am a full time nurse who's just trying to keep my head above water.

I love whiskey, cold pizza and naps. 

I am not a fan of the fact that it's nearly impossible to find realness out there about some life's deepest valleys. 

I'm here to tell the truth and shed some light on topics that are so often hidden. 

I'm learning that it is possible to be real+ strong at the same time. 

Don't let the Pinterest world fool you. Everyone's got something and messy cookies are better anyway.








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